Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Today Special Meal

To someone, it might not be special at all. To me, it was special. I did not remember the last time I had had it. I knew only that it had been so long.

Brown rice gruel with a hard-boiled egg, pickled mustard green, and fried shiitake.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

My New Buddy: Vacuum Cleaner

It was delivered two days ago but I just had time to try it this morning.

Compared to my old one, which is very heavy and used to be powerful, but for some reason, it now does not pick anything.

It is small and light, which is good for my small room.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Once upon a time with a lost pup

She got lost from somewhere. Aig and Mon found her in front of our apartment. She was wet all over but still hyperactive. Aig and Mon were leaving for Austin, so they could not keep her. I took care of her for a while before deciding that I should went out to ask if someone lost a pup. Fortunately, our neighbor came home. They had had a dog so I asked them whether they could keep her. Fortunately again, while we was chatting the owner of the dog came by and picked her up.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Seattle Day 6-7: A Pleasant Journey

It was the first morning at La Quinta which is a little bit far from the conventional center but they had breakfast. Though it was not too far to walk.

At the conference, I attended Checkpoint Optimization session and learned that whatever you would show on the screen, you had to be able to justify it clearly. The assumptions should be rationally clarified.

After that I went to a job fair. There were many national labs, universities, and industrial companies that came to recruit. Most of them had internships. Some of them also had post-doctoral positions. I had a great opportunity talking to Argonne NL, they were going to buy a huge cluster called BlueGene/P. Then they would need us soon.

Los Alamos NL was pretty interesting. I knew it when Clayton went there for an internship couple of years ago. Lawrence Livermore had a biggest booth there. They had many positions opened.

Some other NLs were also interesting, like NOAA, Lawrence Berkeley, etc. There were even a lab from Singapore and King Abdullah University from Saudi Arabia. They tried to present themselves a lot.

I spent a lot of time at the job fair. Unfortunately I did not bring my resume and business cards with me. I had not had intention to find a job at first but it turned out that I was pretty excited talking to those people (esp with a guy from Argonne).

Late afternoon, I went to Cray booth at the exhibition just to ask about OpenACC. A guy there pointed me to PGI which was the one that work a lot with the compiler. It was great talking to the people there.

In the evening, I was so exhausted but still stuck with Dr. Box to a party, just to have a free dinner. The food was just to fill my stomach, the music there was too loud. If I remember correctly they came from our neighbor, Texas.

Dr. Box and I did not wait for the raffle. We know that we had never been lucky this way. We went back to the hotel around 8 something.

The next morning, after breakfast at the hotel, I packed and tried very hard to stuff everything I had got from the conference into the bag. It turned out that I had to enlarge it a little bit.

Dr. Box gave me a ride to the airport and now I am waiting for the flight home.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Seattle Day 5: Interesting Talk

I went to the keynote in the morning. The speaker was the CEO and co-founder of NVIDIA. The room was so packed that they had to split the other group to another room with video linked to that room. I was in that group. =(

After that I went to a paper session that was about GPU optimization. That was interesting. There was something that quite similar to my research.

I spent almost the whole afternoon talking to the people in the exhibition. Talking at NVIDIA booth was pretty interesting. They introduced me to the new standard called OpenACC which would change your serial code to parallel with just adding couple of lines.

I also got 6 more t-shirts. Just wonder how I can pack them into my bag.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Seattle Day 4: LittleFe Buildout

Nothing much in the morning. I just attended some sessions which are not so interesting.

In the afternoon, I had to team up with Dr. Bishop to assemble a LittleFe (a small cluster with 6 mother boards: 1 head node and 5 computing nodes, also had a GPU integrated on each board). Dr. Bishop was going to carry it back to Ruston. And hopefully, we can use it in our classes.

In the evening, the exhibition opened. I enjoyed hunting free stuff, got 3 t-shirts, pens, screw drivers, and some toys. I also won a car race at QLogic booth and got a box of car toys. I gave it to Dr. Bishop because he had a little boy.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Seattle Day 3: Gather up

Dr. Box, Aig, and Mon arrived at Seattle yesterday but we could just get together today.

I went to have lunch with Dr. Box. He introduced me to Dr. Hong Ong and his team from Malaysia. They also work on CUDA too, focusing on data transfer between GPU and CPU memory because the GPU memory is so small. I recalled that I had also come across this problem when I had been working on Haplotype Inference problem with BIOTEC.

In the evening I met Aig and Mon at the conference and went out to have dinner with Dr. Box at a Chinese restaurant in China town. I made me miss Chinese food back in Bangkok. ^^

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Seattle Day 2: In the Conference

It was the first day of the supercomputing conference. After registration, I got a badge and a bag. I liked the bag. It was well designed for keeping a laptop, an iPad, etc. There was just one thing that I didn't like about it. It was a shoulder bag. Well, I preferred a backpack.

I also had a chance to meet many people from many fields because this event was not just for computer geeks. There were also physicists, biologists, mathematicians, etc, whoever that used huge computational systems to solve their problems. It was a good opportunity to make connections. ^^

Friday, November 11, 2011

Seattle Day 1: Just Landed

I left Ruston around 10:15 AM with Dr. Bishop. He drove.

After a long flight (around 6 hours with one stop at Houston airport), we landed around 6 PM. Then we tried to catch a free shuttle but no luck. So we took the light rail instead. Around an hour later, we arrived at Red Lion Hotel. I got into the room 710, dropped the bags and went back to meet Dr. Bishop at the lobby again. We walked to the opposite building just to have dinner. Once we got back to the hotel, we saw 4 police cars at the front door. No accident, nothing to give a clue what was going on. No one knew why they were there. So I just headed back to the room because I was so worn out.

Thursday, November 03, 2011

A Little Bad Luck

On the evening I had a boring seminar class at GTM (Math building). This building is a little bit old. Though it had been renovated, the stairs were still slippery. I think it was also my fault that I did not step on the black strips which were to prevent slipping. I hurt my butt and my right elbow but still okay. And also thanks to my friends that were with me.

At least I could save my little laptop that I was holding in my hand. ^^

Friday, October 28, 2011

Our Activities Relevant to Thai Flood

I just got back from Dr. Box's house. He had asked us (5 Thai students) to go meeting with him in order to talk over about what we could do to help out in this crisis. We had a conference call with Raju, Dr. Box's ex-student. He has an experience with disaster management in Mississippi and elsewhere.

Raju provided us with some useful information regarding pre- and post-disaster, about supply chain management -- like evaluating how much gas would be provided for evacuation, etc, how we could analyze the data gathered from GIS based application to predict the situation long enough for planning ahead, how to stimulate the economics after the flood, etc.

We will brainstorm and would contact an organization in Thailand if we can come up with anything.

Friday, September 23, 2011

On Sep 23, 2011

After spending about a week fighting with the workstation that I just took possession of, it finally works. The issues have been solved and I can go back to focus on my research. (This machine is actually a part of my research though.)

Also, the trip to SC11 has been confirmed. So I will go to Seattle this November for 5 days. Travel again... ^^

Monday, August 22, 2011

About Birds @ Dr. Box's House

I went to fill the bird feeders at Dr. Box's house today. There were many regular bird feeders but I filled only two of them. The others were hung too high. Once I finished filling some seeds and got them to hung at the same branches, couple of tiny birds were waiting. I did not know what kind of birds they were, looked like sparrows, but I did not think they were sparrow. I could spot a cardinal too, and some others.

Dr. Box also has two hummingbird feeders. I had to get them to wash, removed some dead ants and filled in some syrup. I did not think it was nectar that Dr. Box had prepared for those hums. I thought it would be just water and sugar. While I was washing the feeders in the kitchen (which its windows faced the trees that the feeders had been hung), a little hum came to that spot, flew around as if he was wondering where the feeders were. He was so sweet.

While I was busy with those feeders, there were thunders and lightnings and the sky turned gray. Once I finished and got into the car, it rained very very heavily as if it had been waiting for me to finish my job. Though I got soak a little when I got home.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

About Dogs

My neighbor which is our landlady's son's family, had a gentle Labrador. His name was Sunny. Yesterday James came back to return the key since he had moved. We talked to our neighbor a bit but did not see Sunny which usually was the first one to welcome us. Then we just knew that Sunny had been dead and was buried somewhere in the backyard. Just about a week ago that I heard that he got sick. He was old though.

Last night, we went to a small party and Lisa's house. It was to celebrate Lisa's and James' graduation. Lisa has a tiny Yorkshire Terrier. She called him Ross. Ross was so cute and friendly and calm. I had never heard him bark even when he was so excited because there were many strangers stepped in his territory. Lisa's husband, Clayton got me some treat to befriend with him. After a while he slept in my arms.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011


Before this I was sharing internet with my neighbor, James. Since he is moving to Raleigh, I have to have my own internet.

I decided to have AT&T DSL since there was a promotion with $20 a month for 12 months. I requested for activation on Friday and the modem was delivered to me last night at 7 PM. Very quick! I just configured it this morning after I had got back from dropping Dr. Box at Monroe airport (We reached there by 5 AM). With 3 Mbps, I am satisfied and so far it has been working well.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Move forward

I received an email from Dr. Ramu 2 days ago saying that I am invited to join Dr. Bishop to SC11 as his teammate for LittleFe Project.

SC11 will be held on Nov 12 - 18, in Seattle, WA. I just submitted the application. I will see what is waiting for me.

Monday, July 04, 2011

The end of a long journey

I just arrived at Ruston last night. It was the end of my long journey (UK and Thailand for 3 months). Now I have to go on and work on my research. No time to goof off.

Sunday, May 08, 2011

UK Day 39: Hatfield House

Holland Trip

Netherlands Day 1-2: On the way / Zaanse Schans / Amsterdam

Netherlands Day 3: Keukenhof / Queens Day in Amsterdam

Netherlands Day 4: Dom Tower/Centraal Museum, Utrecht

Netherlands Day 5: Haarlem

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

UK Day 24: Windsor Castle and Punt's Family

On April 23 - 24, 2011, P Punt took me to Windsor Castle. Unfortunately, taking pictures was not allowed inside the buildings. I stayed with her family that night. We had a good time chatting about the time from our college. And the next day there was Easter activity for her son, Ethan.

Saturday, April 09, 2011

UK Day 10: London For the First Time

I took a coach from Grovehill to Victoria station, then walked and walked and got lost around Buckingham Palace and walked and walked to Club Quarters near St. Paul's, where Dr. Box stayed. Dr. Box took me to have lunch, his favorite roasted duck, at Four Seasons on Queensway. Then we took Tube (subway) to Portobello Road Market at Notting hill, walked all the way there, and went to Harrods, took a look at the luxury stuff in the most luxury shopping center before getting tired and went back home.

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

UK Day 6: New solution to the campus and the day of discussion

Yesterday I went to the campus by walking about 1.5 miles to Maylands Ave, took Uno bus 634 there, and did the same on the way back.

Today I went to the campus with my friend! :)
He is an Indian guy who has a family in Hemel Hempstead, not too far from where I live, about 1.3 miles away. Though today he came to pick me up at Tesco Express near my house since I still was not familiar to the way. However tomorrow I will wait for him at the bus stop near his house so that he does not have to go detour to pick me up.

Now I have got a better solution to go to the campus. Yay!

Today also, was my busy day. I discussed with Bodo in the morning about my background and what I was going to do here. Then I had to explain him my papers, and as everyone who knew me would know, I was not good at explanation. Again I had to go through this in the afternoon, explained them to Raimund, which, honestly, was harder than explaining to Bodo. By that time, Alex also joined us... Man!

Pray for me.. T_T

By the way, this is my desk.

The coffee that I just bought. I just tried to stay awake today.

Sunday, April 03, 2011

UK Day 4: Walked to Marlowes

It was about 2 miles 40 minutes walk. There was a Thai Restaurant, called Banana Leaf. Nonetheless, the owner was from Hong Kong. So I think the food was tasteless. T_T

View Larger Map

UK Day 3: At Town Center of Hemel Hempstead

On a walk

Liliana is looking at the duck

Liliana and her mom, Monica

Go shopping

Barbie in Barbie car

Friday, April 01, 2011

UK Day 2: At UH and an Expensive Experice

Today was the first day at University of Hertfordshire (UH). Everything had been fine since I left the house. My host family walked me to the bus stop. I took the bus at 8:30, reached the town center (downtown) of Hemel Hemstead around 9:00 and took Uno Bus there at 9:13, reached UH at 9:45. Actually, it was not far, about 30 minutes drive. However, the bus made many stops, then it took so long.

I met with Bodo, Alex, and their students. They were very nice. I talked to Bodo about the idea of what I am going to do while we were having lunch. Everything was fine until I managed to go back home at 4:00 and took the wrong bus (as usually - -' ).

I was supposed to take Uno 634, but I took 635 which took me far to the north and ended up at Hitchin (UH is in Hatfield). Below is the map.

View Larger Map

The bus driver was so kind. He tried to find the way back for me, but it was too complicated and I would get home late. So I decided to take a taxi which costed GBP 46.90 (according to the meter).

At least I could get home save and sound. I promised I will not take the wrong bus again.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

UK Day 1: Got Lost and Lost

I just arrived to the UK. My host family picked me up at the airport. There was some misunderstanding about the flight. However, everything is okay now. I am at the host family's house.

At Dallas, I got lost, as usual. I have one hour to walk gate B37, catch the train and get to another gate D15. It would have been plenty of time if I have not got lost. First, I did not know where to catch the train. Second, I got off at the wrong stop. By the time I was at the gate, there was only 15 minutes left.

The flight from Dallas arrived about 45 minutes earlier than the schedule. I am not sure if it was because if this, it had to fly in circle for 3 times before landing. Still, it was 30 minutes earlier anyway. However, the immigration was so crowded. So, we can say it was on time. =)

After arriving at Heathrow airport, I could not find my host family at first. I think it was because the flight schedule was massed up. Then I managed to call my host family, but I could not understand what he said. (I do not know why.) So I asked a staff around there. He was so kind. He used his cell phone to call my host family and talked to him for me. Finally Fernando and Liliana (his pretty little daughter) could find me. Thanks to that staff and sorry I did not ask your name.

In the afternoon after I unpacked my stuff, I went shopping at Tesco Express near the house. I did not get lost on the way there, but got lost on the way back. (Supada always gets lost, wherever she goes.) I was in the neighborhood, but could not find the house. Fortunately, there was two polices (I guess) walked by. So I asked them the house number. They kindly showed me, and by that time I realized that I was so stupid since I just passed a block before.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Counting down to the UK

I am going to leave on Wednesday and reach the UK on Thursday. Then I will stay with a host family there. They will pick me up at Heathrow airport. I will stay there for 2 months and will continue to Bangkok, will stay with my family in Bangkok for another month.

It is going to be a long long trip.

I have been assigned to work on code analysis (kind of compiler stuff) with the research team in the UK. This would be applied to fault tolerant technique that I have been working on. Hope I can come up with a novel approach.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sticky Rice and Custard

Inspired by Dr.Box's pumpkin custard in farewell party for Thagorn on Feb 5, the sticky rice was okay, but the custard could be considered as a failure.

The custard... The egg was not well mixed with the coconut milk. There was also a lot of water inside. And I almost burnt my pot because when steaming the custard, it took too long to be set, then the water was all boiled out.

Final product!

It tasted okay though. =)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Battery Issues

My car was hard to start in this cold weather. Sometimes, it could not even start. I got a guy at the auto part store checked on the battery couple of weeks ago. He said it was fine but he did not do the mechanical stuff. So, I bought a starter kit from him because I did not have time to find the mechanics.

Today, After I had had the midterm test, I got my car to a mechanic. I went to three places and ended up at Chevron next to Starbucks. The mechanic there checked on my battery again and told me that it was low. He suggested me to change the battery. So I let him do it. It costed me $102.59 ($98.68 for the battery + tax, $3.91 for Starbucks since I had to wait there ^^). Let's see if it works.

Besides the car, my computer is also having a similar issue. The battery gets swollen. P Pao suggested me to just change the battery whenever it dies, and buy a new computer after I graduate.

Monday, January 10, 2011

On an Icy Day

It rained yesterday. Today everything was frozen. When I stepped on the grass, the ice cracked.

See the texture.. It was about 5 mm thick. When I touched it, it was as if I touched some kind of cold glass, as hard as rock, but cold.

The ice on the windshield was also rocky.

The ice was too heavy, so its branches were weighed down.

The truck in the neighborhood.

This guy was sitting on the condensing unit.