Monday, August 22, 2011

About Birds @ Dr. Box's House

I went to fill the bird feeders at Dr. Box's house today. There were many regular bird feeders but I filled only two of them. The others were hung too high. Once I finished filling some seeds and got them to hung at the same branches, couple of tiny birds were waiting. I did not know what kind of birds they were, looked like sparrows, but I did not think they were sparrow. I could spot a cardinal too, and some others.

Dr. Box also has two hummingbird feeders. I had to get them to wash, removed some dead ants and filled in some syrup. I did not think it was nectar that Dr. Box had prepared for those hums. I thought it would be just water and sugar. While I was washing the feeders in the kitchen (which its windows faced the trees that the feeders had been hung), a little hum came to that spot, flew around as if he was wondering where the feeders were. He was so sweet.

While I was busy with those feeders, there were thunders and lightnings and the sky turned gray. Once I finished and got into the car, it rained very very heavily as if it had been waiting for me to finish my job. Though I got soak a little when I got home.

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