Monday, August 22, 2011

About Birds @ Dr. Box's House

I went to fill the bird feeders at Dr. Box's house today. There were many regular bird feeders but I filled only two of them. The others were hung too high. Once I finished filling some seeds and got them to hung at the same branches, couple of tiny birds were waiting. I did not know what kind of birds they were, looked like sparrows, but I did not think they were sparrow. I could spot a cardinal too, and some others.

Dr. Box also has two hummingbird feeders. I had to get them to wash, removed some dead ants and filled in some syrup. I did not think it was nectar that Dr. Box had prepared for those hums. I thought it would be just water and sugar. While I was washing the feeders in the kitchen (which its windows faced the trees that the feeders had been hung), a little hum came to that spot, flew around as if he was wondering where the feeders were. He was so sweet.

While I was busy with those feeders, there were thunders and lightnings and the sky turned gray. Once I finished and got into the car, it rained very very heavily as if it had been waiting for me to finish my job. Though I got soak a little when I got home.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

About Dogs

My neighbor which is our landlady's son's family, had a gentle Labrador. His name was Sunny. Yesterday James came back to return the key since he had moved. We talked to our neighbor a bit but did not see Sunny which usually was the first one to welcome us. Then we just knew that Sunny had been dead and was buried somewhere in the backyard. Just about a week ago that I heard that he got sick. He was old though.

Last night, we went to a small party and Lisa's house. It was to celebrate Lisa's and James' graduation. Lisa has a tiny Yorkshire Terrier. She called him Ross. Ross was so cute and friendly and calm. I had never heard him bark even when he was so excited because there were many strangers stepped in his territory. Lisa's husband, Clayton got me some treat to befriend with him. After a while he slept in my arms.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011


Before this I was sharing internet with my neighbor, James. Since he is moving to Raleigh, I have to have my own internet.

I decided to have AT&T DSL since there was a promotion with $20 a month for 12 months. I requested for activation on Friday and the modem was delivered to me last night at 7 PM. Very quick! I just configured it this morning after I had got back from dropping Dr. Box at Monroe airport (We reached there by 5 AM). With 3 Mbps, I am satisfied and so far it has been working well.