Monday, June 30, 2008

Day 94...New MAC User

I just got MacBook today. :D
But now I don't have time to go through it because I will have GRE test on Thursday and I've been assigned a new job also. It's kind of system monitoring, similar to the task I did at UniNet. I'm going to be very busy. :D

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Day 92...Kung Fu Panda

Today, P Gan, P Noon, P Ja and I went to Monroe to buy something because P Gan and P Noon are going to go back to Thailand. We bought some food at Bao Bao and shopping at Mall. Then had lunch at IHOP.

After that, we headed back to Ruston, went to Celebrity theaters and watched Kung Fu Panda. I loved it! It was fun and amusing. It was the first movie that I saw in Ruston anyway.

After the movie, we went to Wal-Mart. It was Peach Festival in the downtown of Ruston but I bought some peaches at Wal-Mart since I had not seen even a peach in the festival. The peaches was testy though.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Day 91...Blueberry Cake

Since we still had some blueberries left, we had planed to make blueberry cake. We made it yesterday, with instant powder for butter cake. But we hadn't had a tray for making cake, we used the muffin tray instead. Then the cake looked like this.

It was delicious, honestly. :)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Day 88...Blueberry Muffin

These are blueberry muffins. I helped P Ja cook them yesterday. P Noon and P Gan had given us some blueberries. Then we decided to make blueberry cake. But as we went to Murphy's home, Jill had given us a bag of instant muffin ingredient and also a tray to make muffins. So we made moffins...See? I did it!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Day 86...Bar B Q @ Lake Claiborne State Park

Today, I went to P Gan and P Noon's apartments before 9 and we all got to the Biomedical Building around 9 to meet others. When all people (P Gan's new adviser who is from Hong Kong, many Taiwanese guys and girls, two Indians, two Japanese girls, an American big guy, and us, three Thais) were ready, we moved to the park. It took around 30 minutes driving from Tech to Lake Claiborne State Park. (We got lost somehow.)

There is an artificial sand beach at the barbecue area. (ยกทรายมาโปะ แต่น้ำเป็นน้ำจืด คิดได้ไง) Many Americans in bikinis sunbathed on that beach like they were at the sea.

Joe (P Gan's friend) and his girlfriend, April, had prepared some food for barbecue. Someone also brought some food and drinks. P Gan brought charcoal.

After we enjoyed our brunch, We went to rent three canoes and rowed into the lake. P Gan and I were in the same boat. We rowed to the opposite shore and saw some birds, like cranes, crows, and another kind that I was not sure if they were falcons or vultures. I loved that because I could see them very closely. They flew just right above my head.

Then we rowed back to the shore and turned the canoe to the others and waited for the next turn. P Noon was with me in the second round. But we did not see any birds. I thought we had disturbed them.

Had fun then got hungry, we got back to the barbecue area and ate again. Then we played frisbee (I was not good at it, always let it dropped.) before we cleaned up the messes and got home.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Day 85...Dinner @ Murphy's House

In the evening, P Gan and P Noon came to our apartment to wait for Steve because He was going to pick us up to his house. Jill had already prepared American food when we reached there. Their kids, Caleb and Ethan, were also waiting for dinner. It is the constitution of American religious people that they will prey to thank God for the food before having their meals. We did that too.

After dinner, we played some games and took a walk outside the house. The kids climbed the tree at the front of their house. Steve followed them. Jill said they usually climb the trees, not only this tree but all the tress around. Boys are normally naughty, aren't they?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Day 81...Getting lost in LOST

I'm watching LOST, a series on ABC channel. It is about survivors of a plane crash who had to survive on an unknown, mysterious island.

I spent my last weekend on that show. I've watched it online since I have the internet installed in my apartment. There are 4 seasons so far. :)

Here is the links

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Day 78...Grave Yard

This evening, P Ja, Anthony, Mohammed and I went to the grave yard. They wend there for their homework but I just went with them. I think the Amirican culture (in Ruston, LA) and Chinese culture have something in common. People from the same family were buried in the same area. And their decendents come to see them sometimes.

There were graves of newborn babies. It was so sad that some of them had lived just for a few hours. And I also saw some graves of couples. I think they were buried in the same graves.

After my friends had finished their homework, we went hang out at Mohammed's apartment. We shared our cultures and also showed video clips of our cities in YouTube.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Day 76...Spore: Create your world

Spore is a game that P Ja has shown me. I is so excited that you can create your creature and evolve them from just cells to something that have their own civilization, until fighting with aliens.

5 stages of evolution

Create your own creature

This is a funny story of Thai alphabets that Aig showed me today.

No. I did not just entertain myself. I still have worked on CUDA, have been trying to express the source code. Today, I also went pay my first month electric bill. It was $34.91. My friends said it was not expensive.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Day 75...Dinner @ Danial's Apartment

I received a new router and laptop stands that I have ordered from Amazon last Friday. It took around 5-6 days to be delivered to me. So today I was busy with the router until around 3 P.M. Then I went to the lab and met Aig and Mon there.

After I hung out there for a while (and was messing with CUDA multiplication source code), P Noon appeared. He helped me express the source code. Thank him. :)

Then P Noon asked me to go to Danial's apartment because he was going to have dinner there. Danial was going to cook Nepali food for him. I could not miss for sure.

Danial's apartment is near P Noon and P Gan's. He was just up when P Noon and I reached his apartment. He had been working all night. Then we went to buy some ingredients at County Market. We walked there under the sun of summer. So hot!

Danial's food was not bad. It was a little bit spicy for me and P Noon but too spicy for him. After that we had some ice cream, sherbet orange flavor.

Before I went home, I saw P Gan waiting for his Taiwanese friend at the door of his apartment. He was going to have dinner at his friend's apartment. So when his friend came to pick him up, I have a chance to get into his sport Audi.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Day 74...Connect to the World

I have had internet connection in my apartment already. :)
It is 8 Mbps, actually. But as I test with many speed test tools, it's just 2-6 Mbps. :(

Today so, I just got a letter from the graduate school that my application has passed and now being reviewed by the college. Good news!

Friday, June 06, 2008

Day 70...Online Consumer

P ja and I need a wireless router. After we have checked the prices at Wal-Mart and Amazon and also some other websites, we placed an order at Amazon. So I'm now an online consumer, since this is my first time to buy something from a website. I will buy a computer online though. A MacBook. :)

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Day 69...Offline

I'm tired of the connection. Since my friend's router died, I have tried to connect to the internet using someone's signal (which has no security) around here. But it's so weak. However, I'll have cable modem installed in my apartment next Tuesday.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Day 67...New Task

I already placed my application this morning. And I just start working on CUDA. "Just start" does not mean anything because I don't know anything about it actually.

Here is stuff about CUDA I have read today.
- Introduction to CUDA
- Programming Guide [PDF]

I am also preparing for the GRE test. The verbal part is horrible, though the quantitative part is my hope. So I am working hard on math.

By the way, My favorite game is now SUDOKU. Let's check it out!

Monday, June 02, 2008

Day 66...Reused

I just start working with Dr. Box. So, today I went to talk to Clayton about the research that he is working on. Dr. Box wants me to coordinate with him since he is going to move to somewhere. (I cannot remember.) He sent me stuff that I need to follow. I think I am going to be busy reading these materials.

Anyway, I tried to reuse boxes, paper, and so on since goods are so expensive here (compare with Thailand).

This used to be a Tupperware box. Now I use it as a table at my bed head. :D

A trash bin on my desk...hehe