Tuesday, June 15, 2010

An Experience on a Car Accident

Today, around 1PM, after I went to pay the utility bill, I drove back home. To go home, I had to head to the south, and it was just a straight way, so I kept on the right lane. When I was on Vienna St., a white truck on the left suddenly moved to my lane!

He hit me! And I also hit a telephone pole!

I got out of the car right away. The neighbors were so nice. They saw the incident and they helped me. I also called P Gan for help.

My right knee got bruised. It would hit the storage under the console. And I had some scratches because the seat belt pulled me back. I was not much injured but my car was really damaged.

The officers came over to collect the evidences and tow my car away. Fortunately, the guy that had hit me did not ran away. But we did not talk.

P Gan took me to the hospital to checkup after that. Nothing broke, only the bruise. James also negotiated with the insurance for me.

I feel really unlucky these days. =(

What I have to do now is just wait to the report from the police.

Thank to those neighbors, P Gan, P Noon, and James. Everyone is so nice.

1 comment:

  1. I am happy you are still alive! Sounds like a scary incident! *hugs*
