Friday, April 20, 2012

A Creepy Night

Since summer is coming, some bugs are coming out of their hidings as well...

On Tuesday night, or you can say Wednesday's early morning since it passed past midnight already, I was sleeping while something woke me up. At first I thought it was just my imagination. Then I heard a noise like something crawling in my bed. Suddenly that something bumped on my arm!

I jumped up. My heart was beating so fast. In the dark, I pictured so many creepy creatures that it could be. I was too scared to even turn on the light to see what it really was. After gather my courage for a while, I turned on the light to see nothing in the bed. I moved it a little bit and found a HUGE COCKROACH in the corner between my bed and a tiny box that I used as a bedside table.

It took me over half an hour to remove it. The tools that I used were just a broom and a dust pan (both with 3-feet handles). Once I swept it, it squirmed which startled me. Oddly it did not crawl or run away. It moved as if it was a cripple or too weak. There were many times that I thought of calling my friends (they live next door) for help. Although I could eventually get it out of my apartment.

However, in the next morning, I found another HUGE COCKROACH in my bath tab. This time I could remove it really quick with a 3-feet handle dust pan.

Hopefully they will not come back, and none of their friends wants to get into my apartment again. I am so scared. T_T