Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My Tasks for Upcoming Spring

There are supposed to be three chapter in my dissertation now.
1. CUDA streams
2. Checkpoint/restart
3. EM for HI problem (as an application)

And, I have two papers that I have to write.. one is CUDA streams and its uses that I owe Dr. Baggag, and EM paper that I am writing with BIOTEC team..

Also, I have to prepare for the qualifying exams next quarter..

Now, final is coming. Bring it on!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Isan Meal

Aig and Monn just had a papaya on the way back from New Orleans.. So we had planed to cook some Isan food.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Here comes the snow again!

I had a test today. After the test, there was ice fall, then the snow came after lunch.

Due to the snow, the school closed since 1 PM because there was no truck or whatever to clear the roads.

The next day, P Gan, P Noon, Bell, and I got together, goofed around, took some pictures and video clips =).

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Go Saints!

Go Saints Go...

Nothing much. It was the side effect from Super Bowl XLIV. It was New Orleans Saints VS Indianapolis Colts. And Saints won 31-17.. Yay..It was the team from my state!