Thursday, December 31, 2009

Sunday, December 27, 2009

My Favourite Thai Songs

There are so sweet.

อัศจรรย์ - theme song of "The Overture (โหมโรง)"

เคียงข้างเธอ - theme song of "Siyama (สียามา)"

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Amazing Creatures

From the top ten videos 2009 of National Geographic

Some creatures that we've never seen and perhaps, will never see.

November 22, 2009—Oil-eating tubeworms and 15-tentacled sea cucumbers are among the 5,000 deep-dwelling species identified by the Census of Marine Life, a ten-year effort to chronicle life in the deep ocean.

February 27, 2009—A newly discovered frogfish—dubbed the psychedelic fish because of its colorful stripes—hops along the seabed by flexing its lower fins and shooting water from its gills.

May 7, 2009—Scientists have caught a fast-growing, 12-story underwater volcano erupting—along with odd creatures evolved to survive its toxic emissions.

The root of African wildlife may be Asian.

May 5, 2009—After a factory had found a 40-million-year-old whale fossil in a limestone kitchen counter, researchers investigated the stone's fossil-packed Egyptian quarry, which could shed light on the origins of African wildlife.

The origin of the invisible man. First saw the pic of this fish on NG website, I thought it had been retouched.

Here comes the real.

February 24, 2009—For the first time, a live Pacific barreleye fish—complete with transparent head—has been caught on video. The deep-sea fish's tubular eyes pivot under a clear dome.

Friday, December 25, 2009

About December 25

Today is a holiday.

Today is Jesus's birthday.

Today is Horus's birthday (in Egypt's myth).

Today is the day that the sun goes (maybe) furthest towards the south. From now on it will go back to the north.

Merry Christmas

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Known Universe by AMNH

Saw this in my friend's fb.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

CUDA Visual Profiler

It says that:

- Execute a CUDA program with profiling enabled and view the profiler output as a table for each GPU method.
- Display the summary profiler table.
- Display various kinds of plots: GPU Time Height plot, GPU Time Width plot, etc.
- Analysis of profiler output: incoherent stores, incoherent loads, warp serializations
- Compare profiler output for multiple program runs of the same program or for different programs. Each program run is referred to as a session.
- Save profiling data for multiple sessions. A group of sessions is referred to as a project.
- Import/Export CUDA Profiler CSV format data

As i know, the profiler is available for Mac not for Linux. Unfortunately, my Mac does not have NVIDIA card and I do not use CUDA on my Mac either. I use it on Linux. =(

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Just got it an hour ago. Let's see if it can make my life better.

Friday, December 18, 2009

OWISE and A Surprised Christmas Gift

Today was a second meeting of OWISE - Office for Women in Science and Engineering. The first meeting was on Friday, Dec. 4 - Leadership Styles. Today's meeting was about Networking 101. There was not much people in the meeting. There was only four people in the first meeting and six today. The mentor was Dr. Jenna Carpenter. She was a wise, good-looking lady. She spoke very fast though.

Just a few minutes ago, the landlady of my apartment got me a Christmas gift. P Noon told me that they did not got one last year. Perhaps the next year will be a good year. =)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Meeting with Sandia Folk

On Monday, we (Dr. Box's research group) had a meeting with a research group from Sandia International Lab, Jim Brandt, Ann Gentile, and Matthew Wong. They had developed the tools for monitoring clusters, called Ovis. Aig helped them installed it on our clusters on the next day. We had lunch at Robb, and I had sushi for dinner at Bristo 102. I gave Dr. Box, Monn and Aig a ride home. There was some excited experience though. =)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

What we did with the leftover from thanksgiving

Simple! We just had thanksgiving meal again. Thanks James and his mom for the turkey and sidedishes. And as there still was some turkey left, we had chicken with steamed rice in Thai style. Thanks to Noon this time.

Saturday, December 05, 2009

It's Freezing

There was no snow last night (or I could not see), but It was freezing this morning.

Now, it is 23 F (around -5 C) out there.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Driver's License

Got it at last! =)

I just got it yesterday, after I had practiced driving on the route that I was going to take driving test 4-5 times. And I finally passed it. Now I can get onto the road on my own. Yay!